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Group Contact Information: [’S“–ƒOƒ‹[ƒvî•ñ]
[ƒOƒ‹[ƒvƒnƒ“ƒhƒ‹] JP00216758
[ƒOƒ‹[ƒv–¼] “Æ—§s–@l˜J“ŽÒŒ’NˆÀ‘S‹@\ ’†•”˜JЕa‰@
[Group Name] Japan Organization of Health and Safety Chubu Rosai Hospital
[“dŽqƒ[ƒ‹] keiyaku.ad1@chubuh.johas.go.jp
[‘gD–¼] “Æ—§s–@l˜J“ŽÒŒ’NˆÀ‘S‹@\ ’†•”˜JЕa‰@
[Organization] Japan Organization of Health and Safety Chubu Rosai Hospital
[•”] ‰ïŒv‰Û
[Division] Accounting section
[“d˜b”Ô†] 052-652-5511
[FAX”Ô†] 052-652-3533
[ÅIXV] 2021/08/26 19:59:03(JST)
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