[ JPNIC database provides information regarding IP address and ASN. Its use ]
[ is restricted to network administration purposes. For further information, ]
[ use 'whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp help'. To only display English output, ]
[ add '/e' at the end of command, e.g. 'whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp xxx/e'. ]
Network Information: [ネットワーク情報]
[IPネットワークアドレス] 2001:03e0:11f5::/48
[ネットワーク名] DORMY857
[組織名] ドーミー新松戸
[Organization] Dormy Shinmatsudo
[管理者連絡窓口] JP00000154
[技術連絡担当者] JP00000154
[ネームサーバ] NS1.FreeBit.NET
[ネームサーバ] NS2.FreeBit.NET
[割当年月日] 2006/10/10
[最終更新] 2006/10/10 18:53:07(JST)
フリービット株式会社 (FreeBit Co., Ltd.)
FBDC-JPNIC-JP-20020524 [割り振り] 2001:03e0::/32
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